
School Leader

Miss Matthews


Bronze  (year 9) – Important dates

Training Days (9am-3pm) 

Sat    9.00 – 3.00  March – contact the school leader for more details

Qualifying Expedition Dates


Meet 8.30am in the front car park


Silver  (Year 10) – Important dates

Expedition Planning Meeting, after school  .

Practice Expedition Dates:  (Easter Holidays)

Meet in the front car park – contact the school leader for more details

Qualifying Expedition Dates: June .

Meet in the front car park – contact the school leader for more details.



Gold  (Year 12)– Important dates


Practice Expedition Dates:  July

Meet in the front car park – contact the school leader for more detail.

Qualifying Expedition Dates:  Aug .

Meet in the front car park – contact the school leader for more detail



Easingwold Academy’s website