Taking the right kit is essential when completing your Duke of Edinburgh expedition. You need to remember to pack light, so your bag isn’t too heavy to carry! Take a look at our helpful kit lists to see what to pack for your expedition.
We also take care of getting you to and from your expedition – check out our transport page to find out more – and have a campsite that we regularly use on expeditions.
For our operating procedures please see below:
Staff Handbook
Jan 2023
- Introduction
- Staffing
- Recruitment
- Training
- Operating Procedures
- Ratios
- Accident and Emergency Procedures
- Record Keeping and Reporting
- Checking and Maintaining Equipment
- Policies
- Equipment manifest
- Introduction
Mid Yorks Expeditions CIC is a community interest company. This is a non profit company that operates for the benefit of Young People within travelling distance of York.
The aim of the company is to offer access to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme in a sustainable manner.
To make the provision sustainable, it should be:
Communicated to Young People and their parents
Linked to other agencies such as schools, colleges , universities, councils, voluntary organisations and charities, regulatory bodies and the DofE scheme itself.
The company owns 2 minibuses, a box trailer, a field in Nidderdale, and a stock of camping equipment.
The company leases a barn and field in Farndale, a garage and vehicle hard standing at Moorlane Youth Centre and books into commercial campsites and other bunkbarns as required.
- Staffing
The directors run the company. They work together to set up the expeditions – everything from booking an assembly to running or attending award ceremonies.
One of the directors is always “on” each expedition which includes wild country and has day to day responsibility for everything. At some point in the future one or more Expedition Managers will be appointed to take that responsibility.
Other staff are contracted by the day and are concerned only with the expeditions themselves. They are all experienced and are consulted by the leading director before the director makes a decision.
- Recruitment
This Community Interest Company is quite a small organisation. Growth has been organic and gentle. We have always been interested in doing a good, safe job rather than trying to make a lot of money. We have never had the need to advertise for staff. From time to time, people have been recommended to us and we have had ample time to check the out by trialling them with other activities such as informal meetings and volunteering and / or working on Bronze or Silver expeditions.
As well as reviewing and copying qualifications each February, we check DBS and MIDAS certificates as appropriate and put leaders through a DBS process when the certificates expire.
- Training
NGB qualifications are a requirement for staff who work with us on AALA “in scope” expeditions.
The company pays for the attendance of necessary courses for qualifications that expire such as MIDAS and Outdoor First Aid. It does not pay staff for attendance.
Conferences – occasional conferences are attended by staff (usually a director). Fees, expenses but not time is paid for by the company.
- Operating Procedures
Expedition groups come together over the course of the winter to be trained in the skills and knowledge required for a remotely supervised expedition in Wild (or remote) country. The DofE matrix is used as the “curriculum”. The groups also plan their qualifying expeditions in line with the DofE expectation (their 20 conditions). This involves planning their food, creating a route traced on maps and a route card for each day. This all takes place at the school or base youth centre.
Medical forms, signed by parents, are collected in and stored. The paper copy is taken on the expedition and is carried by the Expedition leader or is delegated to an appropriate member of staff so that if groups are spread out, the appropriate forms are held by the member of staff supervising that group on that particular day.
A list of team members with a summary of medical conditions and contact telephone number(s) is left with a senior member of the school or organisation staff (home contact). A team member’s mobile number is recorded for each group at the start of the expedition. That person is asked to keep their phone on whilst the group is walking.
Trackers administered by “Events Tracking Ltd” are given to each expedition group.
Equipment such as rucksacks, tents, storm shelters and stoves are loaned out at the school site prior to departure. Adrenaline self injectors, inhalers and other medication is checked before departure. If there is a problem with any of the above it is sorted out before leaving.
Each participant is given a piece of paper with 2 mobile contact numbers on. They store them in a safe, waterproof place.
Transport is by minibuses and people carriers. Section 19 permits are carried. (We are a community interest company). Minibuses are insured as section 19 vehicles and maintained as such (10 week garage inspection etc). Where staff drive private vehicles, they will have submitted a business insurance declaration (Leeds E2 form)
Practice expedition participants have a pre expedition equipment check and a competence check by their supervising instructor before they set off. The competence check involves the instructor walking with the group for most of the first day.
Gold Qualifying expeditions – Staff and participants stay in a bunkbarn the day before the expedition. Each group has a kit check by the expedition leader and then 40 – 60 minutes with the expedition assessor. They review, group knowledge of procedures, first aid, route, cooking safety, planned menus and checkpoints for day 1. There is time allowed for any problems to be rectified on that day.
Expedition Day
- Weather forecast is checked prior to departure. Plans amended if needed to bad weather alternative.
– groups are set off carefully (final check made on use of compass, orientate map etc) from separate start points or at intervals.
Groups are observed remotely along the route and met occasionally at checkpoints (Around four times on day 1 to once on day 4).
Groups are met at campsites in the evening. The following day’s route is reviewed briefly and checkpoints agreed if required. Groups may be seen again in the morning.
GPS groups are given to groups so that their progress can be monitored remotely as well.
On completion – Debriefs and travel home once all groups have finished.
At least one Director is always present on the expedition involving “Wild Country”. The director is present to observe and intervene if required but is also working as part of the team. At some point an expedition Manager will be appointed to substitute for the director.
Staff share the same accommodation where possible and usually cook and eat together in the evening. After the meal we review the day informally and agree “jobs” for the following day. It is a co-operative endeavour. This process leads to us brainstorming and sometimes leads to us altering and improving the way that we operate.
- Ratios
Non AALA “in scope” expeditions
Staff ratio is up to 1:10 but is usually 1:8
AALA “ in scope” expeditions Ratio is 1:8
Group size is 4 – 7
For wild country minimum of: (OEAP)
1 Team 1 Expedition Leader and either 1 Assistant Leader, 1 Additional Support Staff or 1 Adult Helper
2 or more Teams 1 Expedition Leader and normally 1 Assistant Leader for each team (Consider whether a third member of staff is required in order to effectively manage an emergency situation)
3 Teams 1 Expedition Leader and 2 Assistant Leader · In order to deal with Emergencies effectively a third competent member of staff is required where there are 3 or more teams operating There will be some circumstances (e.g. practice expeditions) where an Assistant Leader may be necessary for each team. The risk assessment process will determine this.
4 Teams 1 Expedition Leader and 2 Assistant Leader
5 Teams (or more) The minimum ratio of 1 Expedition Leader/Assistant Leader to 2 teams must be maintained E.g. 5 teams will require 1 Expedition Leader and 2 Assistant Leaders (additional Leaders may be required)
- Accident and Emergency Procedures
As part of the initial “classroom session, participants are trained.
Groups carry first aid kits and some form of shelter (bivvy bag, storm shelter or tent).
Notes on how we deal with accidents / incidents
Small accidents, incidents – we would attend ourselves to supervise or review the first aid face to face. If that has dealt with the situation, we would record it in the accident book and carry on.
Medium accidents, incidents ie. Not life threatening – if further medical interventions were required we would contact the parent and agree a course of action such as we take the participant (and medical form) to A&E by minibus – perhaps meeting a parent at the hospital. The action would depend upon the situation.
We would then:
Ring the home contact to keep them up to keep them informed.
Fill in the company accident book.
Fill in the school accident (or organisation) book on return or send a report to the school or organisation.
Report the accident to RIDDOR if appropriate.
Serious accidents, incidents – participants have been trained in how to appropriately contact the emergency services [Appendix B] . Participants would then contact us. One of our staff would meet with the casualty and emergency service; inform the home contact and parent. The “home contact” would alert the county contact and the DofE contact
Fill in the accident book.
Fill in the school accident (or organisation) book on return or send a report to the school or organisation.
Report the accident to RIDDOR if appropriate.
Accident and Emergency Procedures for Staff
Similar procedures would apply as above. A next of kin may be a partner rather than a parent. As an adult, they may decide to not involve other people.
Minor – Inspect, advise and record
Medium – Assist with transport to A&E if appropriate. Record in accident book
Major – Link with emergency services, offer link with home – partner etc. Ask home contact to inform county and DofE contacts. Report (Riddor)if appropriate.
Following an accident, the incident should be reviewed and any problems with procedure should be analysed by the expedition team present on that day, improvements generated and implemented. Both directors would be responsible for that process.
At the end of each season the directors and managerial staff will review the accident book to see if there are any trends that need to be addressed.
- Record Keeping and Reporting
MYExpeds reports to HSSE for safety issues including Near Misses
RIDDOR is applicable for serious accidents
Institutions such as schools need to be informed for medium and serious injuries.
DofE need to be informed for medium and serious injuries and Near Misses
MYExpeds uses a single accident book that accompanies each expedition.
Near Miss pages are in the back of the accident book.
- Checking and Maintaining Equipment
Service contract with garage M. Brittain (York) Ltd, Fulford. York.
Checks every 10 weeks in line with section 19 permit requirements.
MOT annually.
Insurance and Breakdown Insurance is in place.
Daily checks by driver and record on daily sheet. Remedial action by driver, Ian Turnbull or M.Brittains
Bi-annual inspection by M. Brittains
Daily check by driver
Camping / Walking Equipment
Visual check by staff when issuing and collecting back in.
Damaged equipment removed and stored in the director’s house garage until repaired or disposed of.
- Policies
Expeditions are run in line with the requirements of the Educational Visits Advisor of North Yorkshire, City of York (CYC) or Leeds Council.
Evolve documents are completed for each school expedition either by school staff or by MYE staff.
Separate approval is also obtained from the CYC DofE Manager for York based expeditions.
DofE Green form approval is obtained for each Walking group of 4-7 for each expedition
Company policies were forwarded to the DofE Award Scheme AAP office.
Policies to be used by Mid Yorks Expeditions
- Principles of the Policy
We believes that all children have the right to grow up unharmed and be provided
with the opportunity to develop fully. We are committed to an ethos in which children feel secure, their view points are valued, they are encouraged to talk and they are listened to.
All staff will be alert to signs of abuse, including issues surrounding on-line protection (esafety) and know to whom they should report any concerns or suspicions. We will follow the procedures set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board and take account of guidance issued by the Department for Education.
- Definitions
The term ‘children’ refers to all the young people, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and sexual orientation.
Child protection is about protecting all children from intentional and unintentional harm. An abused child is one who has suffered from, or is believed likely to be at risk of significant physical injury, neglect, emotional abuse or sexual abuse. “Staff” covers ALL adult staff on site, including temporary, part time, freelance staff, and volunteers working with children.
- Aims
We will establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to.
We will ensure children know that there are adults whom they can approach if they are worried.
The company will provide training for all staff from the point of their induction, and update it every three years.
We will keep written records of concerns about children, refer concerns to the appropriate safeguarding official and ensure all records are kept securely, separate from
the main participants file, and in locked locations.
The company will ensure it has a designated senior member of staff, who has undertaken appropriate, accredited child protection training (Ian and Rachel Turnbull)
We will endeavour to build relationships with other agencies so that understanding, trust and confidence can be built which will help to secure effective cooperation in cases of actual or suspected abuse.
- Implementation
In accordance with this ethos, we will:
Ensure safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers.
Raise awareness of child protection issues with all staff, ensure that they understand their responsibilities and know the name of the designated person responsible for child protection and their role.
Establish a safe environment in which participants can learn and develop.
Ensure that confidentiality of information will be observed by everyone involved.
- Roles and Responsibilities Of Staff
The designated senior member of staff (Rachel Turnbull) for child protection has responsibility for
coordinating action with the school and liaising with other agencies
. All staff and volunteers will be alert to the signs of abuse and have responsibility
for referring any concerns to the designated senior member of staff responsible
for child protection.
- Principles of the Policy
It is the company policy to take all steps within their power to prevent personal
injury, health hazards and damage to property. It is also the company policy to
extend this protection to participants (clients), contractors and members of the general public
from foreseeable risks.
- Definitions
The company will operate within the framework of the Council in respect of all matters pertaining to Health and Safety and will apply all Health and Safety instructions and advice issued.
- Aims
The staff recognise their responsibility under the 1978 Health and Safety
at Work etc. Act so far as is reasonably practicable to:
provide plant, equipment and systems of work which are safe and without risks to health
make arrangements for ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable and without risks to health, the handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances
provide adequate training, information, instruction and supervision so far as is reasonably practicable to enable all staff and participants to perform their work and activities safely and efficiently
to promote the development and maintenance of sound safety, health and welfare practices
to provide and maintain a working environment that is so far as is reasonably practicable safe without risks to health and adequate as regards welfare facilities for staff and participants
to ensure funds are available to provide as necessary protective clothing/equipment to all staff employed by the company, for the safe use of machinery, equipment and substances
maintain a close interest in all health and safety matters in so far as they affect activities in the premises under the control of the company.
- Implementation
The planning and implementation of the policy is the direct responsibility of the Business Manager, ensuring that all employees contractors and volunteers fulfil their duties to co-operate with it. Arrangements will also be made to bring it to the notice of all staff, including new employees and freelance staff.
The staff recognise the need to consult with any elected trade union H&S representatives and staff on Health and Safety matters and the need to consult individuals before allocating particular Health and Safety functions.
- Roles and Responsibilities of Staff
The overall strategic planning of Health and Safety is delegated to the company’s Business Manager.
The day-to-day management of Health and Safety matters (NB duties not responsibility) is delegated to the Training or Expedition leader.
All staff are responsible and accountable to their Leader for the implementation of the company safety policy in the performance of their duties.
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
The staff will review this policy biannually and assess its implementation and effectiveness.
- Principles of the Policy
We are committed to the promotion of equal opportunities for all participants, staff and applicants. We accept our responsibilities under human rights and anti-discrimination legislation.
- Aims
To ensure that all applicants and members of staff enjoy equality of opportunity and re aware of issues that might give rise to discrimination, acting accordingly.
- Implementation
In promoting equal opportunities, the Manager will develop effective measures for
ensuring that all groups and individuals are able to interact in an environment which is free
from inappropriate discrimination or treatment on the grounds of gender, race, ethnicity,
colour, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family responsibility,
trade union activity, religious or political belief.
- Roles and Responsibilities of Staff
All employees are required to comply with this policy and to act in a manner
and promote a culture which values diversity and equality of opportunity in all areas.
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
The company will review this policy every two years and assess its implementation and effectiveness. The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout the company.
- Availability
Hard-copies will be available from the company on request to anybody on receipt of a small
charge to cover copying and admin.
Principles of the Policy
Concerns should be resolved promptly and effectively. However, if resolution of the
initial concern is unsuccessful and it escalates to a complaint, the complaint should be
resolved efficiently and impartially.
- Definitions
A complaint or concern is any matter for which the issue is not covered by another policy.
- Aims
To allow resolution of concerns promptly before they escalate to complaints and to
provide a framework through which complaints can be efficiently and amicable
resolved in a confidential, impartial and non-adversarial manner.
- Implementation
The policy covers the procedure for resolving complaints within the company. Recourse beyond the company is outlined as Stage four but this policy does not cover the Stage four procedures which
will belong to the relevant body.
At all times, all parties should act in an impartial, non-adversarial, swift, confidential manner.
Stage one: complaint heard by a staff member (who “fields the initial complaint), appointed by the
Stage two: complaint heard by the manager;
Stage three: complaint heard by a Director;
Stage four: consult an appropriate solicitor for advice.
After resolution, the Coordinator will make a written report to the Directors describing any lessons that could be learned from the circumstances.
Appendix A
Equipment Manifest
Minibus 2
Box trailer
Small trailer
Green Access Quest rucksacks 12
Orange Access Quest rucksacks 12
Other 65L rucksacks 15
4 person Access Refuge tents 9
3 person Vango Halo tents 11
3 person Vango tents 6
2 person Vango tents 6
Assorted 3 person tents 10
Assorted 2 person tents 10
1 person tents 1
8 person storm shelter 5
4 person storm shelter 1
2 person storm shelter 3
Trangias 25
Trangia Gas burners 19
Sleeping bags 6
Sleeping mats 30
GPS trackers 8
Waterproof trouser spares 15
Waterproof jacket spares 15
Maps lots